Venue Statistics™

Business Intelligence on Trading Venues is a key differentiator in assessing trading performance and is no longer synonymous with Researchers and Quants.

A Trading Desk wishing to evidence high performance in execution needs information on all the venues that are available and which may be more applicable for their type of flow. Whether trading lit markets, Dark or Large in Scale/Blocks information on the Liquidity, Volumes, best prices and toxicity mean better decisions are made from more informed choices.

With the sweeping changes in Regulations and increases in transparency the need for in depth analysis and comparative information on Venues has never been more relevant to a wider audience that includes the majority of financial firms.

Our Venue Statistics service is a market leading, and used by many Exchanges and Regulators as a Primary reference source.

With our Venue Statistics service, you can analyse:

  • Which Venues offer the deepest liquidity
  • How often Venues have the best prices available
  • Which Venues cover the instruments you want to Trade
  • How much volume is traded in the Dark
  • How do the Dark Pools compare in Performance

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